Women’s Health Services

Herbal Peristeam (Yoni Steam), Reproductive Health & Peristeam (Yoni Steam) Consultation, Menstrual Cycle Assessment & Education, Lymphatic Breast Massage, Scar Remediation , Uterine Realignment , Castor Oil Pack (Breast, Abdomen or Womb), Prenatal Massage & Postnatal Massage.

Have questions? Click the link below to book a complimentary Phone Consultation

Herbal Peristeam

Herbal Peristeam

Herbal Peristeam (commonly referred to as “Yoni Steam’) is an ancient practice present in countless cultures globally. Peristeam (Yoni Steam) supports optimal vaginal, menstrual and overall reproductive health at every stage of life.

After filling out an intake form, to determine your health constitution, custom herbs are selected specifically for you. Your herb blend is added to heated water and steeped 5-10 minutes. Steam from the herbal water is introduced to the perineum and vulva by sitting over a cedar sauna. You sit comfortably 5-30 minutes to absorb the medicinal properties of the herbs into the pelvic tissues and circulatory system. These sessions are truly nutritive to the skin, organs and nervous system. Peristeam (Yoni Steam) is a wonderful addition to your current reproductive health practices.

**Abdominal Massage can be added to this service when you schedule.

Lymphatic Breast Massage

Lymph nodes, lymph flow & scars (throughout the breasts/chest, clavicles & underarms) are assessed and cared for. We discuss how your tissue feels, self care and at home rituals to support further decongestion and flow. Gua Sha, Castor Oil, cupping and other tools are used.

Lymphatic Breast Massage can be scheduled as a stand alone service or added to other offerings. Techniques taught by DeAnna Batdorff of Dhyana Essentials.


Herbal Peristeam (Yoni Steam) to Support:

Postpartum Support (first 40 days), Pregnancy loss, Labor Prep (32+ weeks), Endometriosis, PCOS, Shortening Menstrual Cycles (> 30 days), Lengthening Mensrtual Cycles (< 27 days), Active Infections, Irregular Bleeding and more.