Spiritual Tools, Altar Items & Spellwork

Bridging the every day with the sacred through accessible rituals and healing modalities. What you’ll find here, is the intention to be of the upmost service to Spirit (God), elevated Ancestors, the Earth and equip you to be of service to yourself.

Ritual Oils, Fixed Candles, Mojo Bags, Florida Water, Flower Essences

& more…

Minimal packaging and labeling to highlight what’s important and divinely guided: “For the elemental Spirits to be prioritized over aesthetic”. The people best served by these offerings will be attracted, drawn and called primarily from their energetic characteristics, scent and texture. All items are conjured by my hands and co-created with Spirit.

Pricing varies and does not include shipping. USA shipping only at this time. Local pick up available. Contact me directly to inquire about what is available for purchase and custom workings at 3circlehealing@gmail.com.