multi-layered, restorative

& therapeutic

Massage Experiences.

Psychic Guidance.

Herbal Modalities.

“Listen to me, your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed & desecrated. Your body is a forest— thick canopies of maple trees & scented wildflowers sprouting in the underwood. You will grow back, over & over, no matter how badly you are devastated.”

Temples— Beau Taplin

3 Circle Healing

 The broad work housed here is intended to support your natural ability to heal and find homeostasis. Services offered aim to foster cohesion among the body, emotions and soul.

3 Circle Healing is a vessel comprised of three main components: Therapeutic Massage, Psychic Guidance and Herbal Modalities.

Each component is an entry point to access more expansive work through other offerings. This vast and unique container holds the ability to help support deeper relation, understanding and sensation within the body.

Services offered are in support for you to truly know YOUR vessel and assess…

“What is being ‘held together’ and how? Is the Vessel too tight? Too loose? Broken? Empty? Full? Or perhaps there is no vessel at all and the contents spill in every direction.”(excerpt from: LXIX The Vessel, The Wild Unknown Archetypes Guidebook by Kim Krans).

Wherever you are, 3 Circle Healing is here to be of service— with soft strength, compassion and thorough care.